Day three at the Andaman
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Day three at the Andaman PDF Print E-mail
Written by plusz   
Monday, 29 March 2010 10:10
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Another beautiful day. Because the Andaman there the same time zone as all over India and the islands are more than 1100 km east of the continent, at 4 am is no longer day and about 8, it appears that it is noon. Of course, by 4 pm it is already night:)

  • waking up at four to catch the ferry

  • confusion with the bill, cd turned out that despite the receptionist assured, still no one is able to cancel a double bill:) We bought a special ticket / tickets for a gala dinner to celebrate Diwali, yet they counted that we used the "standard" breakfast kolacyjnego. I suppose the problem arises from the fact that nobody has the power to press the "delete" on your computer, or the programmer did not foresee such a possibility.

  • 5:15 timely departure appears autko local travel agencies, which take us to the port.

  • The port already crowded. Tickets await us. We meet a new employee office, her name Abishake and will accompany us on the ferry and perhaps on the island - here there is nothing certain. Until the last moment it is not known where the ferry sailing, but because the company runs a local tutor morning stress.

  • It turns out that we have 6 personal cabin - except what is an expensive ferry. Getting to know the Indian tourists. A young couple, who normally lives in London, and my mother, aunt and two young children. Interestingly, they love to be "cool" air conditioning. For us it's a little too cold and go out on deck to enjoy the views, watch the flying fish (in this page was not any) and meet other współpodróżników.

  • Havelock looks fantastic. The port is much smaller, brick buildings almost no, lots of colorful boats on the shore. Waiting for us small taxi with a driver Ajit. Abishake says that out of us and will leave us, Ajit, and he runs a return trip by ferry to Port Blair (as it later turned out, drift away after 3 days - probably more to calculate re-sell tickets)

  • Transportation to the hotel takes a dozen minutes. We meet with the very same day sail to Elephant Beach. The total is only 9 am.

  • Arrives at the reception Wild Orchid. Perfectly nice service. According to Hindu tradition, leave shoes (flip) before entry and use of a breakfast, because our room / cottage is just being prepared. For breakfast, coconut water and choice of omelette or toast with jam. The restaurant has no walls, only the roof - no but in this climate is almost perfect conditions to spend time.

  • Before we finished breakfast, the room is ready. We are pleasantly surprised how clean are the rooms, even for European conditions. Implementation of the bathrooms could be more careful, but still, compared to a hotel in Port Blair is a very big difference.

  • What is interesting is not lizards, but there is also no insects in the rooms - a lizard we met on the information board at the reception, but there are more flying in the evenings food. If you know the role and the habits of lizards, they arouse sympathy.

  • The room air conditioning, fans, mosquito net canopy over the bed, which we do not have used, hot water, it is even kind of safe - closed with a decent key part of the cabinet. Contact liquid kills insects - if someone goes to a cheaper hotel, the best to take such a device together. There's even a mirror, the TV is not. Conditions perfect.

  • Front of the house hammock, umbrella to take strolls. Ideal conditions.

  • It's only 9 am so waiting for the driver check the beach looks like - like everything here is perfect. Later, it turns out that different times of day is different.

  • The driver is punctual - to the minute, and check that is not too late. Perhaps this is due to the stereotype that in India nothing is on time - our driver was always exactly at this time about which we have an appointment.
    It turns out that Abishake not sailed, and sail in the afternoon.
  • In the port use the help Abishake to negotiate a good price for bananas. 10 rupees per bunch. Bananas are a small, sweet - almost like an apple.

  • Private boat on the beach elephant

  • most beautiful reef in the Andaman

  • Snorkeling

  • return to port

  • Visit the Barefoot diving school. It is worth to take their prices, because it's also a perfect map of the island, very useful especially when you visit the "main market."

  • loss of power, darkness, flashlight

  • hotel generator, low voltage without AC

  • dinner at a good fish, naan, cheese in a curry, to the drinks - will cost about 850 rupees

  • dinner

Last Updated on Friday, 16 April 2010 22:24

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