Andaman Islands - one of the most beautiful places in the world
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Day three at the Andaman PDF Print E-mail
Written by plusz   
Monday, 29 March 2010 10:10
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Another beautiful day. Because the Andaman there the same time zone as all over India and the islands are more than 1100 km east of the continent, at 4 am is no longer day and about 8, it appears that it is noon. Of course, by 4 pm it is already night:)

  • waking up at four to catch the ferry

  • confusion with the bill, cd turned out that despite the receptionist assured, still no one is able to cancel a double bill:) We bought a special ticket / tickets for a gala dinner to celebrate Diwali, yet they counted that we used the "standard" breakfast kolacyjnego. I suppose the problem arises from the fact that nobody has the power to press the "delete" on your computer, or the programmer did not foresee such a possibility.

  • 5:15 timely departure appears autko local travel agencies, which take us to the port.

Last Updated on Friday, 16 April 2010 22:24
The fourth day - a paradise on Havelock PDF Print E-mail
Written by plusz   
Tuesday, 06 April 2010 18:35
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  • first night very well. No insects, disturbing noises (except one, when probably a cat or dog decided to crawl under the floor of our chalet)

  • woke up only after the alarm signal at 8 am - the sun was already high. It turned out that there was no power again, but I am in total, it is not needed.

    From the Andaman Islands
  • Masala omelet for breakfast (very good, with tomatoes and chili peppers, but not too sharp). For the obligatory toast. Morning also signed a bill for the previous day - all according to what spożyliÅ›my.


Last Updated on Friday, 16 April 2010 22:26
Back to Port Blair PDF Print E-mail
Written by plusz   
Wednesday, 07 April 2010 21:18
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We wake up around 8 am, only to sound the alarm. Ok 8:15 windmills spin longer, which means that once again turned off the current. The moment we hear the sound generator and current returns hotel - it is probably a lower voltage than normal, because the air conditioning does not work.

We eat breakfast and make the check-out. The driver, we agreed to pick us 10 and will transport to another hotel, 1 km from the port where we can "sit & relax on the beach and take lunch." This was our second hotel keeper, who "took care" for the ferry tickets . Probably also they wanted us to see another hotel Sea Shell - in total a bit cheaper and also looks at the clean and decent.

At the hotel, 100 meters from the shore was a small reef and we could spend an hour watching the snoorkelingu fish and corals.

Relax on the beach, ate pizza for lunch, main course, which probably is not here too often. It turned out that the kitchen in a hotel in a Russian work, but we had no occasion to determine whether it is there permanently, or "passing."

At 13:30 arrived and our driver took us to the port.

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